Young Star Beginner & Young Star Explorer class is the introductory level from age 2- 5 and age 6 - 12 in a 10 classes semester format.
Beginners will be learning and performing in small group ensemble class as well with our larger orchestra ensemble as violin/ viola/ cello. Student age 6 and above will be learning and exploring string instrument using Ms Jessica's Musekids Musica curricumlum & Violin Friends.
Violin Friends and Viva Musica has work on this collaboration together offering Canadian young strings players a fun class to enjoy music and stringed instrument such as violins and cellos.
Young Star Beginner or Explorer
Block of 10 lessons : $295
(includes concerts and year end recital performing opportunity as a class, no extra performances and resources fee)
Annual Material fee: $80+ GST
Registration Fee: $55
Student’s Information Sheet current year
All Programs
This information sheet is made for your reference. Payment policies, and practice time are listed as follow:
- Lessons fees are expected to be in the form of Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) per month, for the whole year or in full. Late payment charges / NSF fees will be applied when payments are rejected or not received after September 1, of the current year. There will be an additional $15 handling fee applied if you wish to make cash or cheque payment, credit card (4% surcharge) for pre-authorized monthly recurring lesson fees.
- Please be prepared with necessary lesson materials (music books, practice folder, bag, tin sheet with magnets, etc.)
- Please visit our website POLICY for updated information.